Sunday, April 21, 2013

"You guessed it!" - bag tag printable

Can you believe that THREE people guessed where Matt would serve?  His little brother Connor, and two others that weren't able to come over for the 'Grand Opening.'  (You can read about Matt's 'Grand Opening' here.)
I had a gift bag of candy already put together for anyone winning at our house and thought I'd share what I sent in the mail to the other winners - one of which had just entered the MTC. 

Hey there
You guessed it,
Purchase a bag of Smartie candies - very inexpensive and just about every store carries them - and put in a cellophane bag.  Attach the bag tag and tie with a ribbon.  I was mailing mine so I lined a small Flat Rate Box with colored tissue, folded the tissue over and put the gift card on top (after jotting a few lines on the back of course 'cause who doesn't like a letter?).  Good to go.  Easy.  Inexpensive.  Fast.  My kind'a package.
I've made a few color choices for you...
click on your color choice to download.